:: Portfolio
:: Portfolio | Web Develop. | Print Media | Motion Graphic
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Client: Life Line Medical Staffing Inc.
Project: website
Web Site, Logo Design, Brand Development, Flash Development
Technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript
Location: USA |
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Project: Corporate Web Site
Client: Divine Destiny Designs
Overview: Divine Destiny Designs is a home-based Interior Decorating Consulting Firm.
I worked closely with the client to develop a site that they could maintain and that would present a wealth of technical information in a clear and easily navigable form.
Technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript
Location: USA |

Project: Corporate Web Site
Nov. 2002
Overview: Mb Record have been in business since 1997 . they promote/sponsor musicians, and also provide marketing strategic for sponsored CDs and musical memorabilia all over the world.
Idewales, redesigned their Corporate Web Site, Branding, and Print Ads.
Technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript and Photoshop.
Location: USA |

Project: Corporate Web Site Aug. 2003
Project: website.
Overview: iDewales.com is a Hosting company that also provide web site development, multimedia projects, CD Rom production, corporate identity, marketing literature, brochures, annual reports and laptop presentations.
We design and maintain this Web Site; it is fully e-Commerce site.
Technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript and flash
www.idewales.com commerical on Quicktime >>
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